How do I dilute essential oils?

All of our essential oils are 100% pure and not diluted in any way. We source our oils from all over the world! You can see where on our website.

Our Certified Aromatherapists recommend that when using our oils topically, you use proper dilution rates. We recommend a 1%-3% dilution rate. Here is what that would look like:

1%  = 3-5 EO drop + 1 Tbsp carrier oil

2.5% = 8-11 EO drops + 1 Tbsp carrier oil

3% = 9-13 EO drops + 1 Tbsp carrier oil


1%  = 1 EO drop + 1 tsp carrier oil

2% = 2 EO drops +1 tsp carrier oil

3% = 3 EO drops + 1 tsp carrier oil

We recommend to start at a lower dilution rate and add as needed and as your skin allows. Some amazing and popular carrier oils are Coconut Oil, Almond Oil, and Jojoba Oil. You can find them on our website as well!

We have our dilution rate guide on this page.

As an additional guide, you can download our free Essential Oils for Beginners eBook here

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