Recipe Box Subscription Free Access 2023

-What is the Hero Course?

The Hero Course is our online course that teaches you how to use essential oils to make your own DIY products. It'll teach you what essential oils are, how to use them safely, and how to use them to make products that work for you.

The Hero Course is the perfect complement to our Simply Earth Essential Oil Recipe Box. The Recipe Box gives you ingredients and recipes, our course teaches you how to better use ingredients and why they are in the products you are making along with ways to customize recipes.

The Hero Course is free to Simply Earth Recipe Box subscribers and subscribers are auto-enrolled into the course upon subscription.

-How many modules are in the Hero Course?

12 information-packed modules of incredible learning!

-When will each course module be released in a month?

Each Hero Course module will be released the same day you purchase a Simply Earth Recipe Box. This is automatically the day you subscribed to the Simply Earth Recipe Box, but can be updated in your Simply Earth account.

-What happens after I finish the course?

After you finish all 12 sections of the course, you'll earn your Essential Oil Hero Badge.

The Essential Oil Hero Course is tied to the Simply Earth Recipe Box Hero Journey where each month you learn a new way to use essential oils and lasts one year.

Each year we will be adding more content to the course. The Essential Oil Recipe Box will continue following the same themes, but with new oils and recipes.

Upon completing the 12 sections of the course, you can choose to continue learning to make new recipes with Essential Oil Recipe Box and new content added to the course.

-Will you be offering different courses after this?

We offer more courses through our online school, Natural Creator School.

-Do we get any certifications after I finish the course?

After finishing all 12 sections of the course, Heroes earn an Essential Oil Hero Badge and receive a Essential Oil Hero Certification.

-I'm a recipe box subscriber, if I cancel do I lose my course access?

Yes. You can only keep access if you buy the course on its own, or as long as you are a recipe box subscriber.

-If I skip a recipe box month will I get that month's course?

No. You will retain your access to the previous modules, but will not get the module for the month you skipped.

-If I pause my recipe box subscription will I continue to get the monthly hero course modules?

Nope, sorry!

-What if I finish the current month's module and want to start on the next early?

This is not possible, as we release one month at a time in conjunction with the related recipe box so you have both the products and learning to be successful at learning!

-How do we get the products we need to use during the course?

Great question! The perfect option is our Essential Oil Recipe Box which teaches people how to use essential oils with confidence and clarity. The oils, ingredients, and recipes are built to align with what's being taught in the Hero course, so they'll work together seamlessly.

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