How to Add Item/s to Your Box

If you have not checked out the items in your cart on, you can definitely add them to your order! If you log in to your account and see the order you would like to add has a PROCESSING or COMPLETE status in the Your Recent Orders section, you are no longer able to add to your order. 

There are two ways you can add items to your Box.

I. The first one is through your Simply Earth Account.

  1. You will be greeted with items that you may want to be added to your Monthly Recipe Box:

2. Just click 'ADD' on the item that you would like to include in your box, and then indicate how many would you like to add:

3. You will be given the option to either ship now as a separate order or ship with your box:

4. By Clicking 'Continue', your order will update and will show the newly added item along with the box. 

II. The second method would be under Manage Upcoming Orders:

  1. Scroll down to the part of Manage Upcoming Orders, then click Manage Your Box.

  1. A pop-up with your Order List will appear. Click on 'ADD TO YOUR ORDER' to get a list of items that you can add to your box:

  1. Then click the Shop Add-ons.

  1. Afterwards, just follow Steps 2 to 3 and you have successfully added items to your box.

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