You said your oils are 100% pure. How can you pledge their purity?

We at Simply Earth source our pure oils directly and ethically from small farms in small batches. Every batch is GC/MS tested, which scientifically compares what is in the oil to quality standards. You can find GC/MS reports on the product listing for every oil in our online store. Big oil brands use this same test for purity on their oils.

To directly compare big oil brands’ oils to our oils, you should look at the genus species of the oil. That will ensure it is from the same species of plant (for example, there are several varieties of lavender whose chemical components differ slightly from each other). This is listed under the details section of our product pages.

We can have such low prices by cutting out the middleman and not having huge markups like many beauty brands do. We like to say our oils are honestly priced.

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